

Arrimarte a donde calienta el sol, y cerras la puerta o apagas la radio, y que te canten una canción de amor. Yo quiero estar tirada en el sillón de TU casa pensando en partir. Este suelo que pisamos escenario de esta vida, que te hará triunfar o fracasar, y el camino es largo y no tenes salida. Decís que no da para más, ELLA se fue echándote la culpa de todo, decís que NO te hace falta, salís a buscarla, pero NO te hace bien. Y a pensar de los consejos nos volvimos a caer, nos dejamos llevar por el rock en las venas. Y escondida en la noche y aturdida de escuchar, esa voz que me dirá que mejor no podes estar. Yo no se si es fiebre de hoy, o vientos del ayer que me harán volver, como el perro que olvidó enterrado, su hueso en la guarida, Él quiso ser un rocker que no tiene rock, todo es más sencillo. Serán el rock y vos y yo, los que no vamos a morir.


bedshaped ;

Many's the time I ran with you down,
the rainy roads of your old town,
many the lives we lived in each day,
and buried altogether,

Don't laugh at me,
don't look away. 

You'll follow me back with the sun in your eyes,
and on your own,
in legs of stone,
you'll knock on my door and up we'll go,
in white light,
I don't think so,
but what do I know,
what do I know,
I know.

I know you think I'm holding you down,
and I've fallen by the wayside now,
and I don't understand the same things as you,
but I do,


I should have known you're crazy... If all I knew was that with you, I'd want someone to save me, it'd be enough, but just my luck, I fell in love and baby... All that I wanted was... Now I know you better, you know I know better, now I know you better! If I were you, I'd manage to abhor the invitation, of promised love that can't keep up with your adoration, just use your head, and in the end you'll find your inspiration, to choose your steps and won't regret this kind of aggravation, So bittersweet, this tragedy won't ask for absolution, This melody inside of me, still searches for solution, A twist of fate, the change of heart kills my infatuation, No one ever told me, they just thought I'd know better.. better...


streeTof dreams-

All the love in the world couldn't save you All the innocence inside You know I tried so hard to make you Ooo I wanna make you change your mind And it hurts too much to see you And how you left yourself behind You know I wouldn't want to be you Now there's a hell I can't describe So now I wander through my days Trying to find my ways To the feelings that I felt I saved for you and no one else And though as long as this road seems I know it's called the street of dreams But that's not stardust on my feet It leaves a taste that's bittersweet That's called the blues I don't know just what I should do Everywhere I go I see you You know it's what you planned, this much is true What I thought was beautiful,

don't live inside of you anymore.

What this means to me Is more than I know you believe What I thought of you now Has cost more than it should for me What I thought was true before Were lies I couldn't see What I thought was beautiful Is only memories